About the App Marketplace category

Welcome to the App Marketplace – the perfect platform for AppSheet developers to offer their apps and creations for sale.

If you have a ready-to-use or customizable AppSheet app that you wish to offer for sale, this category is for you. Here, you can showcase your work, detail the unique features of your app, and find an audience interested in purchasing well-crafted AppSheet applications.

How to List Your App for Sale

To ensure that potential buyers have the best information to make their purchase decision, please include the following details when listing your app:

  • App Name
  • App Overview
    • Purpose and Functionality
    • Key Features
    • Visuals
  • Target Audience
  • Pricing Details
  • Demo Links & Multimedia
  • Support and Maintenance
  • Contact Information

To make things easy, we’ve provided a template for your posts with all these details.

Posting Guidelines

To maintain an organized and professional marketplace, please adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Ensure your app complies with all relevant laws and AppSheet’s terms of service.
  • Be transparent and honest in your app descriptions and dealings with potential buyers.
  • Respect the intellectual property of others; only list apps that you have the legal right to sell.
  • Keep your listings updated. If your app is sold or no longer available, please update your post accordingly to inform the community.

By taking part in the Apps Marketplace, you’re providing value to the community and empowering others with tools to enhance their operations. Showcase your innovative creations and help businesses find the solutions they need to thrive!