AppSheet Dev-Con

For the longest time I’ve wanted to do some sort of meetup for AppSheet people; unfortunately anyone that I’ve tried to get to partner with me on this - it’s just never worked out.

  • Largely due to the fact that “not enough money could be made” or something along those lines.
    • My feelings on the matter: we could pull this off and not lose our shirts… wouldn’t that be good enough for the first one? We might not make thousands of dollars, but if it pays for itself and provides even a tiny amount of exposure… isn’t that enough? For the first one at least?

I want to make this happen - this year.

There is a TON that will need to go into this, but - like building an AppSheet app - no one of the actual tasks is independently hard; it’s the collection of tasks that makes it hard.

  • By outsourcing these tasks to community members that wish for this event to happen, we can make it a reality!

Imagine… this fall… the first annual AppSheet Dev-Con. :eyes:

Let’s do this :muscle:

I know a lot of us have spoken about this in the past, but does anyone feel that this is something that they could actually commit too?

  • If so, DM me.
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One of the very first things we need to figure out is where we want to do this.

  • Does anybody have a suggestion for a convention center that they think would be a great fit?

Imagine we could do this anywhere, but perhaps there’s somewhere that stands out to someone?

One of the very first things to nail down is WHERE we want to do this - geographically.

Where in the US should we host the event?
  • Seattle
  • LA
  • Las Vegas
  • Denver
  • Chicago
  • St. Louis
  • Houston
  • New York
  • Orlando
0 voters

Pick your top 3

Yes, i think a Dev-Con would be very exciting.

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Stream it please Matt! Can’t get there from down under, sorry.

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:100: @brad we’ll for sure do that!

Another thing we need to come up with is a list of what we’re wanting to happen during the event. We’re dealing with a convention type thing, so naturally:

  • Some sort of booth space for people to setup a booth if they want
  • Exhibition halls with break outs & panel discussions
  • Some sort of keynote

We’ll need to come up with some sort of temporary schedule while we flesh things out.

Someone help me out here and fill some of this out. (^_^)

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We need the following positions filled:

If you feel you can fill one of these positions, please DM me. As we slowly chip away at the tasks to do, progress is slow; having more people helping to chip would make this go much faster. lol (^_^)

Event Planner/Coordinator
Venue Manager
Sponsorship Coordinator
Speaker Liaison
Marketing and Promotions Team
Registration Desk Staff
Technical Support Team for presentations and exhibitions,
Logistics and Operations Manager
Volunteer Coordinator

If your keeping costs down then streaming is a good call

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Happy to help where I can. I’m still interested, but do we need to set out some aims?

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That could be helpful, yes. I’ve never done anything like this, and I’m just kind of fumbling forward in the dark. :laughing: