Key Names For Column Settings


The various column settings are called different things when using Note Parameters. The following table contains a breakdown of the name of the column element in the AppSheet editor, and it’s corresponding key name in Note Parameters.

Note Parameter Key AppSheet Name Data Type Notes
Type Column Type String Exact copy from the value in the drop down when selecting the column type in the editor
IsHidden Show? (toggle) TRUE/FALSE Exclude if using a formula
Show_If Show? (formula) String Only include if you’re using a formula.
IsRequired Require? (toggle) TRUE/FALSE Exclude if using a formula
Required_If Required? (formula) String Only include if you’re using a formula.
AppFormula App formula String
DEFAULT Initial value String
DisplayName Display name String
Description Description String
IsLabel Label TRUE/FALSE
IsScannable Scannable TRUE/FALSE
IsNfcScannable NFC Scannable TRUE/FALSE
Searchable Searchable TRUE/FALSE
IsSensitive Sensitive data TRUE/FALSE
Category Show (Category) String Exact copy from the value in the drop down when picking the sub-type for the show column.
Content Show (Content) String
Valid_If Valid If String
Error_Message_If_Invalid Invalid value error String
Suggested_Values Suggested values String
Editable_If Editable? (formula) String Only include if you’re using a formula.
Reset_If Reset on edit? String
LongTextFormatting Formatting Enum string Options: Plain Text, Markdown, HTML
ItemSeparator Item separator String
EnumValues Values Array Each option encapsulated with double quotes
AllowOtherValues Allow other values TRUE/FALSE
AutoCompleteOtherValues Auto-complete other values TRUE/FALSE
BaseType Base type String Exact copy from the value in the drop down when selecting the column type in the editor
ReferencedRootTableName Referenced table name String Only used for enum/enumlist base type reference; Exact copy of the table name
EnumInputMode Input mode Enum string Options: Auto, Buttons, Stack, Dropdown
ReferencedTableName Referenced table name String Only used for REF column types; Exact copy of the table name
ReferencedKeyColumn n/a String Name of the key column from the referenced table
ReferencedType n/a String Type of the key column from the referenced table
IsAPartOf Is a part of? TRUE/FALSE
InputMode Input mode Enum string Options: Auto, Buttons, Dropdown
NumericDigits Numeric digits Integer
ShowThousandsSeparator Show thousands separator TRUE/FALSE
NumberDisplayMode Display mode Enum string Options: Auto, Standard, Range, Label
MaxValue Maximum value Integer/Decimal
MinValue Minimum value Integer/Decimal
StepValue Increase/decrease step Integer/Decimal
DecimalDigits Decimal digits Integer
UpdateMode Update Mode Enum string Options: Accumulate, Reset
ChangeColumns Columns Array of strings
ChangeValues Values Array of strings

Meta Object Keys

There are a few keys used inside Note Parameters that do not correspond to any element inside the AppSheet editor; they are here to help make the JSON code work.

  • TypeAuxData
  • BaseTypeQualifier

When you include these, all double quotes nested inside the object must be escaped.

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