The various column settings are called different things when using Note Parameters. The following table contains a breakdown of the name of the column element in the AppSheet editor, and it’s corresponding key name in Note Parameters.
Note Parameter Key | AppSheet Name | Data Type | Notes |
Type | Column Type | String | Exact copy from the value in the drop down when selecting the column type in the editor |
IsHidden | Show? (toggle) | TRUE/FALSE | Exclude if using a formula |
Show_If | Show? (formula) | String | Only include if you’re using a formula. |
IsRequired | Require? (toggle) | TRUE/FALSE | Exclude if using a formula |
Required_If | Required? (formula) | String | Only include if you’re using a formula. |
AppFormula | App formula | String | |
DEFAULT | Initial value | String | |
DisplayName | Display name | String | |
Description | Description | String | |
IsLabel | Label | TRUE/FALSE | |
IsKey | Key | TRUE/FALSE | |
IsScannable | Scannable | TRUE/FALSE | |
IsNfcScannable | NFC Scannable | TRUE/FALSE | |
Searchable | Searchable | TRUE/FALSE | |
IsSensitive | Sensitive data | TRUE/FALSE | |
Category | Show (Category) | String | Exact copy from the value in the drop down when picking the sub-type for the show column. |
Content | Show (Content) | String | |
Valid_If | Valid If | String | |
Error_Message_If_Invalid | Invalid value error | String | |
Suggested_Values | Suggested values | String | |
Editable_If | Editable? (formula) | String | Only include if you’re using a formula. |
Reset_If | Reset on edit? | String | |
LongTextFormatting | Formatting | Enum string | Options: Plain Text, Markdown, HTML |
ItemSeparator | Item separator | String | |
EnumValues | Values | Array | Each option encapsulated with double quotes |
AllowOtherValues | Allow other values | TRUE/FALSE | |
AutoCompleteOtherValues | Auto-complete other values | TRUE/FALSE | |
BaseType | Base type | String | Exact copy from the value in the drop down when selecting the column type in the editor |
ReferencedRootTableName | Referenced table name | String | Only used for enum/enumlist base type reference; Exact copy of the table name |
EnumInputMode | Input mode | Enum string | Options: Auto, Buttons, Stack, Dropdown |
ReferencedTableName | Referenced table name | String | Only used for REF column types; Exact copy of the table name |
ReferencedKeyColumn | n/a | String | Name of the key column from the referenced table |
ReferencedType | n/a | String | Type of the key column from the referenced table |
IsAPartOf | Is a part of? | TRUE/FALSE | |
InputMode | Input mode | Enum string | Options: Auto, Buttons, Dropdown |
NumericDigits | Numeric digits | Integer | |
ShowThousandsSeparator | Show thousands separator | TRUE/FALSE | |
NumberDisplayMode | Display mode | Enum string | Options: Auto, Standard, Range, Label |
MaxValue | Maximum value | Integer/Decimal | |
MinValue | Minimum value | Integer/Decimal | |
StepValue | Increase/decrease step | Integer/Decimal | |
DecimalDigits | Decimal digits | Integer | |
UpdateMode | Update Mode | Enum string | Options: Accumulate, Reset |
ChangeColumns | Columns | Array of strings | |
ChangeValues | Values | Array of strings |
Meta Object Keys
There are a few keys used inside Note Parameters that do not correspond to any element inside the AppSheet editor; they are here to help make the JSON code work.
- TypeAuxData
- BaseTypeQualifier
When you include these, all double quotes nested inside the object must be escaped.