Tip for getting the AI to make the correct selection out of a list 100% of the time

Hello Insiders,

I’ve recently uncovered a powerful strategy to enhance AI accuracy in selecting items from a list, and it’s entirely based on the order of how you present the information. This insight emerged while working on a project involving complex data matching, and I believe it could be a game-changer for anyone leveraging AI in similar scenarios.

The Insight: Our initial setup involved feeding the AI a structured prompt that included a lengthy list of options early in the message sequence. Our intent was that the Ai would pick out of this list the correct item(s) that applied.

Prompt Stack

{System Instructions/List of options}
{User message}

Despite precise instructions, the AI periodically failed to select the correct item from the list. This led to a deep dive into how the AI processes and prioritizes information.

The Breakthrough: By shifting the list of options to the very end of the prompt sequence, we dramatically improved the AI’s selection accuracy. This simple reordering made a significant difference (from approx. 20% success to 100%), suggesting that the AI prioritizes and processes the last-presented information more effectively when making selections.

Practical Application: If your AI tasks involve choosing from lists—whether names, categories, types, or any other data—consider presenting these lists as the last piece of information in your prompt stack.

Update Prompt Stack

{System Instructions}
{User Message}
{List of Options}

Why It Matters: Understanding and manipulating the order of data can be as crucial as the data itself. This technique does not just apply to niche scenarios; it has the potential to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of various AI applications, making our tools even more powerful.

I hope this technique helps you increase the effectiveness of your Ai systems.
I’m eager to hear if rearranging data improves your AI interactions as well.